west virginia coyote bounty

LGDs aren’t typically fooled by this tactic & by their way of thinking, if the predator runs off, their job is done, since the object isn’t specifically to kill the predator but to simply stop it from harming the livestock. The flock guardian type LGDs like Pyrs, ASDs, & Maremmas tend to have very low human aggression. Recognizing that Czara is just a bad example from a poor breeding program, I know there have to be other COs and other LGD breeds that are more primitive and physically fit. is at … I realize Czara is a walking wreck. However, it is not known how significant this predator is to turkey and grouse populations. When I asked Frank where the head was, he said, “Bob **** came by to look at the wolf, and he wanted the skull.” This friend could be classified as a “wolf lover” as could I, but I just had to say, “How would you feel if you woke one morning and found half your foals killed by wolves?” I remember when he was only 5 months old and one night he was mooching about in the grass when a man who didn’t see him stalked quickly towards me with some seriously threatening body language. He said coyotes are the state’s biggest predator problem. I just hate it – everythings political now-a-days. ). And cats. It … West Virginia trappers will be allowed to sell live foxes to hound coursing pens in West Virginia during the 2014-2015 trapping season. I wouldn’t have a jack for love nor money. We also have two other species of wild dog, one of which– the gray fox– looks like a very small coyote if you don’t see it properly. Coyotes may also be hunted on Department lands during the spring squirrel season unless otherwise posted. People don’t like to have their property damaged or taken, nor their efforts wasted. They are in all 55 counties and pose a threat to both farm animals and domestic pets. LGDs are a high risk solution in many environments. I know we’re all against dog fighting, but essentially (and please correct me if I’m wrong) isn’t that what a LGD is expected to do if they’re to actually stop a feral dog, coyote or wolf that won’t be scared away by barking from killing their charges? I’ve had the same experience w/ Pyrs, and those sheepherders in the northwest who’ve tried to rely solely on them have consistently lost their dogs (and livestock) to wolves. Also, so what if an occasional coyote gets an occasional sheep? I don’t know how they would fare against big cats or bears, but they put dogs and coyotes to flight. Easyjet? DAC, “So I would think a LGD would have to be pretty fast on its feet to even worry coyotes; just barking isn’t going to scare them off.”. Donkeys and llamas are GREAT against canine predators! A single LGD is not going to be able to do the job, of course. If we couldn’t reduce their numbers on the Great Plains, where it’s very open, you can forget about reducing their numbers in dense, brushy places like West Virginia. West Virginia was one of the last redoubts of wolves in the region, and as late as early 1900’s, Pennsylvania farmers were complaining about West Virginia wolves. A lot of the folks who keep sheep here do so for wool production–although there are meat and milk breeds around too. I then park and wait. He was eventually busted for shooting people’s family dogs and taking them over the Vermont border to collect on the bounty for feral dogs. Czara, my Caucasian Ovcharka serves only as a threat/warming system, walking around the area she considers her territory and barking almost constantly, but I believe even a pair of coyotes would have her baffled; one leading her off a ways while the other sneaks in and makes off with one of her charges, so I’m sure it would take several of these dogs to work as true guards. I may be wrong, but I don’t think there was ever such a state-wide bounty . I think you would be very impressed by my Central Asians, & by the Gamprs I know of this country (one of my puppy buyers also has Gamprs). By the way, she’s just as protective of her owner’s barn cats as she is of the goats. Coyotes are clever enough to know how to use decoys to draw off a dog that will run them down & lead him a merry chase while their compatriots go back & kill as they please. This probably illustrates the difference in predation rates due to localized coyote populations. You can hunt them and trap them, but we’re always going to have them. 14 C.C.R. In Europe have jackals responded similarly to the widespread Eradication of wolves by expanding their ranges?and if not why not? This coyote bounty lottery scheme will not reduce coyote numbers. Studies in Missouri have concluded that recolonization by coyotes did not affect bobcat populations. Many of my hunting friends, even one who actually hunts coyotes with scent hounds, have seen Grizzly run and said they believe he could actually catch a coyote on open ground. Moreover, when livestock are attacked, it often means that many animals are injured or stressed (terrorizing pregnant sheep is a good way to have them abort), not just one. My first thought when I saw it was “fox”, but on approaching it closer (being in a car) I realized it was a coyote (? Coyotes may be hunted year round in West Virginia. It’s a long walk from the Ukrane to Sweden, unless there are unknown populations of them further north. Pittsylvania County is a county located in the Commonwealth of Virginia.As of the 2010 census, the population was 63,506. But in 2005 hunters began organizing Coyote Derbies, where hunters would compete to see who could kill the most coyotes, largest coyote, etc., for prizes and rewards; resulting in little more than private bounties on coyotes. He’s a house dog and will welcome visitors I allow in, doesn’t bark when the window cleaner calls and generally knows how to behave in a civilized manner. This happened so many times in the early part of the growing season that it started to get old fast. One of my favorite stories of family lore involved my great great grandpa who had lots of problems with a neighbor’s sheep that were always escaping and eating his corn. (I once had a neighbor try to assert that it was my fault her dog got in with my sheep by clearing 2 fences, both 5-6′ nonclimb/chain. In areas, such as West Virginia, where deer populations are abundant, coyote predation may benefit deer health by reducing the deer herd and providing more nutrients for the remaining deer. It has been mentioned in comments above that donkeys (or Burros as they are called in Northern Rockies) or large livestock guardian dogs need to be kept to protect livestock from coyotes. It looked very wolfy, with its tail hanging only to its hocks and not coming anywhere near the ground. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. A donkey is still a prey animal, & is easily pulled down by even a small pack of coyotes. ).” Normally, he’s pretty relaxed and will be fussed over with quiet dignity in the street, but if he doesn’t like someone, he’s always right about it. A bounty was put on them, and the last wolf was said to … — no one would care if the coyote paid “market value” before doing that. The feds helped us out a few years ago but aren’t doing anything at all now. Some friends in eastern Vermont sent me a photo of a “coyote’ they’d photographed with a game camera. That’s no way to raise dogs if you ask me; especially when you’re getting $1,500.00 each for the pups. DAC, And rattlesnakes! And these kind of people will invariably treat any dogs they have in the same manner, be they handbag or mastiff sized. But when I examined the photos with a magnifying glass I could see it had dew claws on both hind legs. I’m sure you’re right buddy, but here in the East, at least so far, burros and llamas are very effective against both coyotes and dogs. And the Chinese have created an abomination out of the breed by crossbreeding for height, bulk and massive heads. Scottie killed the motion for keeping LGDs in WV on account of no real need for sheep in that state. Humans eat lamb chops. This produced so much public outrage that within a few years such events were outlawed in Vermont. Most rural areas in West Virginia are essentially gigantic hunting parks for coonhounds and foxhounds, and those dogs regularly get separated from their owners while on long hunts and would have to spend a few days in the wild before they found them. Vermont was once the “sheep capital” of the country, but I’ve read the business eventually became unprofitable due to free-roaming dogs. The Indiana Department of Natural Resources opposes the proposed coyote bounty. Regardless, coyotes are now permanent residents. Most studies have concluded that foxes are not eliminated but become less common when coyotes invade their territory. But if it chooses to leave, it is generally allowed to, although some dogs have a longer fuse than others. Those settlers then spent a hundred years trapping and poisoning coyotes left and right all the way to the Pacific Ocean. But in any event, the major predator on sheep here is the domestic dog, the which, usually belongs to a neighbor. This is why, where the environment allows it, you see cattle being used instead of sheep. It has been said that the coyote's favorite food is anything they can chew. But I guess that only matters when Obama does it. I’ve been following the British wild life debate in the e-papers for some yrs now and know that you are quite rich what comes to the numbers of the smaller beasts in your Isles. Dogs are not stupid animals, and many old trappers trained their dogs to stay out of their traps by setting some to catch the dogs. Regulations. It is expected that coyote predation was a small percentage of the total mortality. She was speechless for a moment, and I could see the realization of how an event like that could change your opinion on something, even when you love it, spread over her face. DAC. The coyote is a significant predator of both wildlife species and farmer's livestock. In situations where he’s needed to, he’s used just enough appropriate force to make the bolshy dog back off or frighten the bejeezus out of the offending human. One day he caught the flock eating his newly planted corn, and he decided that second amendment remedies were necessary. Hal was a free spirit who lived in a commune-like setting with a group of like-minded kids (back then I guess they would have been called ‘Hippies’ by most), and let his dog, Runt roam freely. Hunting coyotes at night using any color artificial light is legal from January 1 through July 31. There are several reasons why state wildlife agencies do not support bounty programs, chief of which is that they simply have not proven to work historically. Others are hobbyists. If she had she would have been in contact with me for help. It’s a wolf, ain’t it?” I asked him to turn the hide fur side out, and as his skinner was doing that, I asked where the carcass was. It really is the same principal. Coyotes aren’t the primary predators in W. Virginia or anywhere else. The problem with livestock compensation programs in United States and Canada is usually the payout is half the market value or less. They’d leave what they didn’t want behind for poor old Sam to clean up. I saw my own dogs outwit him so many times I saw little benefit in him as livestock protection: he was all heart, but no ability. Their diet tends to reflect the most abundant prey species in their area and commonly includes small rodents, rabbits, carrion, deer, waterfowl, livestock, poultry and sometimes free … The local fox and coyotes seldom come closer than a thousand feet from our buildings and bird enclosures. Runt looked like a shepherd-husky cross, and Hal claimed he had coyote in him, but he looked all dog to me, even though he was colored like a wolf or coyote. Paying bounties to hunters is not an effective method of lowering the burgeoning coyote population in West Virginia, a Division of Natural Resources game expert says. Sheep predation by coyotes is known to drop drastically when fawns are born around the first of June. I suppose it depends on the size of your flock, the acreage you have, what predators are about and your neighbours over which animal is the best for the woolly little sitting ducks. They have even mistake a human being for a capercaillie. In an effort to stop coyote depredation, agriculture and wildlife agencies in some states have issued “bounties” for hunting the animals. He’s like a tai-chi master – just because he’s calm and equable on the surface doesn’t mean he’s not light on his feet and won’t kick your arse seven way from here to kingdom come before you know what hit you if you deserve it. Some days you’d drive past his house and see a hundred hides, mainly muskrats, hanging in that tree and swaying in the breeze like some weirdly decorated Christmas tree). You know that Helmick mentioned coyotes because they have no political allies, but bobcats and black bears do kill sheep, as do golden eagles (though rarely) and black vultures (which are uncommon in the state). (Officially the last wolf in the state was killed about 1900, though there is some debate as to the exact date.). If they got a bona fide wolf, they’d do the same. It was a big enough problem that he got out of the cattle business. There is a role for dogs as weapons, but it needs to be a limited role. Re lgd’s I think they can make ok pets in some situations. The problem really is that most of those who aren’t involved in raising livestock have a very skewed idea of the risks, effort, etc involved, so it’s easy to convince them of “feel good” views that have very little basis in reality. Although the coyote takes healthy adult deer during the winter, winter killed and wounded deer as well as carcasses and offal from hunting season probably make up the bulk of the winter diet. And dogs which bond closer to the stock as well as dogs that patrol closer to the perimeter are really an unbeatable team. He nearly shat himself when the TM exploded out of the grass like an angry tiger and my would be assailant kind of minced away trying not to break into a run. This plan, which involves catching a coyote and then turning it loose in the hopes that it will be caught again, is really quite stupid. I have no problem with hunting coyotes, but we are kidding ourselves if we think we can significantly reduce their numbers through a trapping and hunting bounty lottery. I was once at a friend’s house and she was telling me that she disagreed with most policies on predator control of any type. The synchronous birth of fawns in June allows the numbers of fawns to overwhelm the predators, and although a large number of fawns are taken during the first month of the fawns' lives, they become relatively secure after about one month. I agree; most people, especially “city” people don’t see predation as a serious problem until it becomes personal. I know there was a bounty on bobcats, and maybe on porcupines, but I never heard of a bounty on feral dogs (how could anyone tell the difference between a dead feral dog and a dead family pet brought in for bounty?). The coyote has been a significant predator in the west and it will likely prove to have the same impacts in the east. But I knew what it was the second I saw it. But we’re just wasting more government funds. If it passes, Indiana would join Colorado, South Dakota, Virginia, Utah and Texas. She’s never led off. Agriculture Commissioner Walt Helmick believes he has the solution to West Virginia’s coyote problem. CA never saw a spending bill it didn’t like). I hear them in the woods behind my property but I almost never see them any more, although I always know when they show themselves in any of the fields around us because of the eruption of furious roaring from my dogs. So town officials were investigating livestock killings, proclaiming them the work of coyotes (perhaps so they didn’t have to compensate the farmer out of town funds), and many more killings were being attributed to coyotes than they were actually doing. That’s still double the size range of AZ coyotes–a sure sign of either interbreeding or Bergmann’s Rule, or both. We do live in a built up area where we are cheek by jowl with people and dogs every day, so he’s not in the traditional LGD setup. In the same vein as this post, for those of you w/ access to Natural History magazine, the current issue (2/13) has an article entitled “Return of the Wolf God”, about the recently rediscovered African wolf (Canis Lupus lupaster) and its hybridization w/ the Egyptian subspecies of the golden jackal (Canis aureus lupaster). We went back over to where the skinner now had the hide turned fur side out, and I recognized the color and pattern. The feet were still on the legs, and they were small (for the size of the body) and round like a dogs, but the head was gone. I realize Grizzly would never actually work as a LGD under the accepted definition; he would be too tempted to run off after a coyote and leave his charges behind, but he makes a hell of an all-around farm dog, and might even work in a situation where the true LGDs stayed behind to guard the flock while Grizzly chased the coyotes for a bit, giving them a good scare. https://retrieverman.net/2011/04/06/the-sheep-killing-water-dogs-of-newfoundland/, https://retrieverman.net/2011/08/31/half-wild-labrador-dogs/, Subscribe to Retrieverman's Weblog by Email, 2 people followed me // automatically checked by, one person unfollowed me // automatically checked by, 2 people followed me and one person unfollowed me // automatically checked by. Science isn’t a culture which changes too fast. I’m thinking that has got to be either an escaped animal or a case of mistaken identity. Sheep are labor intensive compared to many other types of livestock. Predator-prey relationships between the white-tailed deer and the coyote have been extensively studied. But I am of the school of treating children and dogs in the same way. Phone: 812.448.8494. Even if you have a herding dog, a LGD has to be fed and managed, so you can’t just turn it out with the flock like a donkey or mule. Although bounties have been liberally used on coyotes in the west, no bounty system has ever worked. Of course, such behavior would quickly get him killed wolf country. However, studies in several western states concluded that coyotes were better competitors than bobcat for limited food supplies, and where food supplies were limited competition from coyotes could lower bobcat populations. coyote, judge the size of a 90 lb. I’ve only seen clips and that’s enough to know that’s a child that’s going to be in her own “Honey Boo Boo Goes To Therapy” reality show when she’s 18. If you trap a dog in a fox trap and then let it go, that dog will never be caught in the same kind of trap again. I used to go around to the fur buyers’ sheds during the fall and winter hunting/trapping seasons and inspect the coyotes hunters and trappers brought in to them. I prefer the quick kill of the CAS since they don’t give the coyotes time to fight back so they end up less injured, if at all, from these frays. For some perspective, the coyotes that live in West Virginia are derived from ancestors that first encountered Europeans on the Great Plains. Dogs with too much of this hunt drive don’t make good LGDs for this reason. My neighbor’s burro (a jenny) keeps all and sundry local canids (w/ one key exception as noted below) away from her owner’s goats–this despite the fact that several horses and ponies are corralled w/ her. My dogs will scare the ever-loving crap out of a harmless intruder, but they will only bite someone who legitimately deserves it. The only thing I might disagree with is crediting any creation to some mythical god. The mission of the West Virginia Office of Epidemiology and Prevention Services is to improve the health, well-being and quality of life for all West Virginians through disease surveillance, investigation, analysis, education and prevention services. Now they won’t run down a predator & kill it if it takes off since they aren’t going to leave their property or their livestock unprotected. 9 times out of 10, a predator will choose the place with no dogs to make a kill. Here in Vermont the coyotes seem to be much more wolf-like than their western cousins; in phenotype as well as behavior.
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