smbclient anonymous login kali

8 IPC$ IPC IPC Service (anonymous server (Samba, Ubuntu)) 9 SMB1 disabled -- no workgroup available. 1. [1] The easiest way for me to reproduce your error is to try to access a subfolder of the share - as in smbclient //server/share/subfolder OR smbclient //server/subfolder. RECORD_GUEST false no Record guest-privileged random logins to the database RHOSTS yes The target host(s), range CIDR identifier, or hosts file with syntax 'file:' RPORT 445 yes The SMB service port (TCP) SMBDomain FABRICORP no The Windows domain to use for authentication SMBPass no The password for the specified username SMBUser no The … smbclient is a client that can ‘talk’ to an SMB/CIFS server. In order to download the text file you can use the get command which will allow for tab completion using the remote share directory. This includes user enumeration. Once the tool gets the correct password, it stops the … Since we have an idea of what the host is running, we can now run a more thorough scan of the host, checking all TCP ports. Can an Aberrant Mind and Clockwork Soul Sorcerer replace two spells at level up? File Sharing. This is going to take longer to run, but will give us significantly more information to work with. root@localhost:~# smbclient \\\\\\MEMORY_CARD. Ask Ubuntu is a question and answer site for Ubuntu users and developers. This option can also be appended to your local share definitions. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. File Sharing. An attacker can easily search for anonymous login permission using … The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. I've verifed that I can ping the box and telnet to ports 139/445, so I'm pretty sure that it's not a firewall issue. But…it’s not the fact that … Future posts will explain the more subtle differences and how they actually work. 1 TryHackMe smbclient -L I have a list of potential usernames, but I do not have any passwords. I'm running smbclient on Ubuntu, trying to connect to a Windows box, and I'm getting "session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE". Smbclient: Version 4.3.11-Ubuntu I can use Connect to server in the folder and choose Anonymous to connect to my server correctly, but when I try smbclient //serverip/folder , it returns: Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Windows 6.1] Server=[Samba 4.3.11-Ubuntu] tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME Where do you cut drywall if you need to remove it but still want to easily put it back up? The smbclient command can be … You can connect to share, use get and put commands to transfer files. smbclient NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE against Windows Server 2012 R2 share. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Vintage germanium transistors: How does this metronome oscillator work? Anonymous Login. sh-3.1# smbclient "\\\\TED-PC\\My Documents" -N Anonymous login successful Domain=[Workgroup] OS=[Windows 7 Professional 7600] Server=[Windows 7 Professional 6.1] tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED Could you check which security option is given in your smb.conf.By default security = user option will be enabled under Standalone Server option.User level of security asks for username/passwd in windows while if you keep the security = share it wont ask for credentials or can access share without password. Now that we know there are directories available, we can traverse them manually, however I've chosen to download the directories and their contents directly to my Kali … To connect to particular service or a drive, where service is a machine or share name. Since 1992, Samba, commonly referred to as SMB, has provided file and print services for all clients using the SMB/CIFS protocol, such as all versions of DOS and Windows, OS/2, Linux and many others. That is, it doesn’t allow one to access files or directories like other shares, but rather allows one to communicate with processes running on the remote system. This hack method can be used to Gather Windows host configuration information, such as user IDs and share names. # Nmap 7.60 scan initiated Tue Dec 5 16:23:34 2017 as: nmap -sS -T4 -A -oA 02-tcp-full/ful… [Original] As I’ve been working through PWK/OSCP for the last month, one thing I’ve noticed is that enumeration of SMB is tricky, and … This is great, and a common misconfiguration by many system administrators. From the official Samba web page: "Samba is the standard Windows interoperability suite of programs for Linux and Unix." How to mitigate the risk of riding on highways, Intuition behind the use of inverse FFT in Quantum Circuit for Hamming weight. To listen on the standard port: One benefit of using FTP over HTTP is the ability to transfer files both way. Mounting the drive instead of using the FTP-like terminal could allow an attacker to grep or search more easily through remote shares for sensitive data. It offers an interface similar to that of the FTP program. Server Message Block (SMB), the modern dialect of which was known as Common Internet File System, operates as an application-layer network protocol for … This concludes our post, hopefully you have found this informative, and until next time please get rid of Samba. Replace value in "key: value" statement, but only on first occurence of the key in the file. A machine that can run smbclient command; A vulnerable/poorly configured SMB machine (remote or local) SMB PORT: 445; Steps: Check Sharenames To view smb share names use the command: smbclient -L -N ( = ip of vulnerable smb) To see which shares are available on a given host, run the following: /usr/bin/smbclient -L host  or if smbclient is already in your path like in Kali Linux, smbclient -L host. 5----- ---- -----6 print$ Disk Printer Drivers. [Update 2018-12-02] I just learned about smbmap, which is just great. Now that we know there are directories available, we can traverse them manually, however I've chosen to download the directories and their contents directly to my Kali … 8 IPC$ IPC IPC Service (anonymous server (Samba, Ubuntu)) 9 SMB1 disabled -- no workgroup available. D 0 Sat Jul 21 13:37:44 2018.. D 0 Sat Jul 21 13:37:44 2018 active.htb D 0 Sat Jul 21 13:37:44 2018 ‍ 10459647 blocks of size 4096. Well for one, Windows exposes several administrative and hidden shares via SMB by default. 4 Sharename Type Comment. It provides an FTP-like interface on the command line. It is written in Perl and is basically a wrapper around the Samba tools smbclient, rpclient, net and nmblookup. 4 Sharename Type Comment. Beyond the enumeration I show here, it will also help enumerate shares that are readable, and can ever execute commands on writable shares. Thanks for contributing an answer to Ask Ubuntu! Why would the military use tanks in a zombie apocalypse? Active 3 months ago. The put command allows for tab completion using the local directory. Using identify's pearl for homunculus summoning? DR 0 Sun May 20 14:36:12 2012 .. DR 0 Sun May 20 14:36:12 2012 initrd DR 0 Tue Mar 16 18:57:40 2010 media … Enter root's password: Anonymous login successful. [2] When you use Connect to Server it mounts under /run/user/$UID/gvfs. Or upload malicious files that could be executed from a different attack vector. You can use this utility to transfer files between a Windows 'server' and a Linux client. Enter WORKGROUP\root's password: Anonymous login successful What does "Write code that creates a list of all integers from 50 to the power of 300." Kali Linux is a complete re-build of BackTrack from the ground up, adhering completely to Debian development standards. However, due to bash shell restrictions, you will need to escape the backslashes, so you end up with a command such as this: smbclient \\\\\\C$ -U administrator. Where host is the name of the machine that you wish to view. Anonymous logins are oftentimes extremely helpful when accessing remote systems during a pentest, but we should make sure to squeeze as much information out of the target as we can. However, along with looking for user and group listings an attacker could potentially look for sensitive files that are being shared. mean? - SecureAuthCorp/impacket Boo. Such a connection is often referred to as a NULL session, which while limited in its privileges, could be used to execute various RPC calls and as a result obtain useful information about the remote system. Alright, what? Kali Linux is the new generation of the industry-leading BackTrack Linux penetration testing and security auditing Linux distribution. Can I combine SRAM Rival 22 Levers and Shimano 105 Rim Brakes? Domain=[MSHOME] OS=[VxWorks] Server=[NQ 4.32] tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED. smbclient // We fou n d file attention.txt, download it using command get attention.txt ***It gives a hint that users are using password epidioko, qwerty, baseball Let’s go to the ftp using the anonymous login. ssh –R 3306:localhost:3306 root@kali_ip ssh –R 3306:localhost:3306 -o "UserKnownHostFile=/dev/null" -o "UserHostKeyChecking=no" root@kali_ip Connect to the the tunneled port: #Verify with nc nc -vvv localhost 3306 #If mysql mysql -u username -p -h … Kerberos is an authentication protocol that can provide secure network login or SSO for various services over a non-secure network. SMBMap allows users to enumerate samba share drives across an entire domain. To be able to mount these shares however, one needs to be an administrator on the remote system. RECORD_GUEST false no Record guest-privileged random logins to the database RHOSTS yes The target host(s), range CIDR identifier, or hosts file with syntax 'file:' RPORT 445 yes The SMB service port (TCP) SMBDomain FABRICORP no The Windows domain to use for authentication SMBPass no The password for the specified username SMBUser no The username to … By clicking “Accept all cookies”, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. It can function both as a domain controller or as a regular domain member. D 0 Wed Jun 3 22:17:12 2020 .. D 0 Wed Jun 3 22:17:12 2020 AAlleni D 0 Wed Jun 3 22:17:11 2020 ABarteski D 0 Wed Jun 3 22:17:11 2020 ABekesz D 0 Wed Jun 3 22:17:11 2020 ABenzies D 0 Wed Jun 3 22:17:11 2020 ABiemiller D 0 Wed Jun 3 22:17:11 … 5----- ---- -----6 print$ Disk Printer Drivers. smbclient is a client that is part of the Samba software suite. I also updated local group policies and domain group policies to restrict anonymous access to named pipes and similar - more details included in the screenshot below. rev 2021.2.26.38670. [root@laptop /]# smbclient //madirish-dt/share -I -N added interface ip= bcast= nmask= Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Windows 5.0] Server=[Windows 2000 LAN Manager] smb: \> get NewDoc.txt getting file NewDoc.txt of size 0 as NewDoc.txt (0.0 kb/s) (average 0.0 kb/s) smb: \> exit [root@laptop /]# ls -l NewDoc.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 root … 1 pics #5 user.txt. This is great, and a common misconfiguration by many system administrators. I can use Connect to server in the folder and choose Anonymous to connect to my server correctly, but when I try smbclient //serverip/folder, it returns: And, where does the system amount the server, when I use GUI to connect to a server? 7 pics Disk My SMB Share Directory for Pics. Operations include things like getting files from the server to the local machine, putting files from the local machine to the server, retrieving directory information from the server and so on. How to use smbclient to connect anonymously to a server? Impacket is a collection of Python classes for working with network protocols. What is Samba? The output of this command should look something like this: Keep in mind that your instance might differ based on the operating system, and configuration on the remote host. Infinite Logins. SMB Brute force. smb: \> dir. Level Up: Mastering statistics with Python – part 2, What I wish I had known about single page applications, Visual design changes to the review queues, AD login and smbclient login successful, but fails from Windows clients, Ubuntu 18.04 problem to connect to Windows 10 SMB share. Certain versions of Windows allowed one to authenticate and mount the IPC$ share without providing a username or password. Scan for popular RCE exploits. $ sudo smbclient // -U aloft Password: Domain=[LOCALHOST] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.23c-2] smb: \> How to list SMB Share . So what does this have to do with cybersecurity? Best practice for notating harmonic: quarter vs. half note? The tool usage can be found below followed by examples, previous versions of the tool can be found at the bottom of the page. The last of the three common shares is the IPC$ share. I also updated local group policies and domain group policies to restrict anonymous access to named pipes and similar - more details included in the screenshot below. The tool usage can be found below followed by examples, previous versions of the tool can be found at the bottom of the page. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 8 months ago. root@kali:~# smbclient -N “\\\Replication” Anonymous login successful Try "help" to get a list of possible commands. Copy . SMB login via Brute Force; PSexec to connect SMB; Rundll32 One-liner to Exploit SMB; SMB Exploit via NTLM Capture ; SMB DOS-Attack. /usr/bin/smbclient \\\\zimmerman\\public mypasswd where 'mypasswd' is the literal string of your password. This probably doesn’t sound like a very interesting blog post already. Is it acceptable to hide your affiliation in research paper? One can use such named pipes to execute specific functions, often referred to as Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) on the remote system. root@kali:~# smbclient // WARNING: The "syslog" option is deprecated Enter root's password: Anonymous login successful Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.20-Debian] smb: \> cd rootfs smb: \rootfs\> ls . sudo nmap -p 139,445 --script smb-vuln* -oA nmap/smb-vuln. SMB Directory. smbserver; smbclient; Introduction to SMB Protocol. In Kali Linux, most of the password dictionaries are present in “usr/share/dirb” directory. Luckily, we can collect both of these at once using the ncftp command. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Such named pipes are created when an application opens a pipe and registers it with the Windows Server service (SMB), such that it can be exposed by the IPC$ share. An intuitive interpretation of Negative voltage. Is this homebrew shortbow unique item balanced? 2 Enter WORKGROUP\kali password: 3. It communicates with a LAN Manager server, offering an interface similar to that of the ftp program. Instrument Approaches which do not have a FAF. smbclient anonymous login. Viewed 133k times 9. Adding it to the original post. root@kali:~ # smbclient -L= Null Sessions root@kali:~ # smbclient \\\\ \\ public Enter root's password: Anonymous login successful NULL session attack is not a new concept (hence the reason for a "Back to the Basics" post). Now, when I try anonymous access via rpcclient or smbclient to the IPC$ from my Kali machine (which is not part of the domain), I get a successful login. Another share, Admin$, allows one to access the Windows installation directory. Active 3 years, 9 months ago. The smbclient command can be also used to list the shared smb … For example, if you are trying to reach a directory that has been shared as 'C$' on a machine called, the service would be called\C$. Alternatively, you could upload a file to the remote share using the put command. Let us talk about Samba shares. Unless the SMB server has no security configured, it will ask you for a password. So I should start by saying that I did this successfully less than a week ago and I had no trouble but I have since reformatted and reconfigured my server and now I'm having the hardest time remembering … Enumeration Cheatsheets. 1 TryHackMe smbclient -L It only takes a minute to sign up. Is anonymous login allowed? I quickly determined by using the “man” page that rpcclient could indeed perform an anonymous bind as follows: ... the tester attempts to perform a login for every user in the list. Beyond the enumeration I show here, it will also help enumerate shares that are readable, and can ever execute commands on writable shares. You can connect to share, use get and put commands to transfer files. Additionally, if you haven't enumerated hostnames yet in your test you can also use IP addresses, but keep in mind you will need to escape the slashes so 4 will be needed instead of 2. According to the Catholic Church, is belief in trinitarianism required for salvation? root@kali:~# smbclient // WARNING: The "syslog" option is deprecated Enter root's password: Anonymous login successful Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.20-Debian] smb: \> cd rootfs smb: \rootfs\> ls . samba commands Let’s go to the ftp using the anonymous login. SMB login via Brute Force; PSexec to connect SMB; Rundll32 One-liner to Exploit SMB; SMB Exploit via NTLM Capture; SMB DOS-Attack. 1 pics #5 user.txt. Key features: RID cycling (When RestrictAnonymous is set to 1 on Windows 2000) User listing (When RestrictAnonymous is set to 0 on Windows … Why did the US recognize PRC when it was concerned about the spread of Communism? root@kali:~# nmap --script smb-enum-shares -p 139,445 [ip] Starting Nmap 7.70 ( ) at 2018-09-27 16:25 EDT Nmap scan report for [ip] Host is up (0.037s latency). The cracking process starts as shown below. Now from the directory you want to serve, just run the Python module. Time for a quick back to the basics blog post! smbclient anonymous login smbclient kali list samba shares on network list samba users linux commandconnect to smb share linux smbclient cheat sheet samba client windows. The C$ share will allow one to access the C Drive on the remote machine. We are running Debian wheezy, with smbclient v 3.6.6, trying to reach a Windows 2012 R2 share. Literally all this post is going to be is me showing you different ways to log in to a Windows machine with admin credentials. If anonymous login is allowed by admin to connect with FTP then anyone can login into server. root@kali# smbclient -N // Anonymous login successful Try "help" to get a list of possible commands. Kali Linux is a complete re-build of BackTrack from the ground up, adhering completely to Debian development standards. Here, I am just guessing that the user may be using a common password. smbclient anonymous login. Adding it to the original post. Although Windows Server 2008, Windows […] Domain=[DEMO] … Enter root's password: Anonymous login successful. We have been using -A (- … DR 0 Sun May 20 14:36:12 2012 .. DR 0 Sun May 20 14:36:12 2012 initrd DR 0 Tue Mar 16 18:57:40 2010 media DR 0 Tue Mar 16 18:55:52 2010 bin DR 0 … This will return a list of service names - that is, names of drives or printers that it can share with you. How can extra (digital) data be hidden on VCR/VHS tapes? Opinions expressed are solely our own and do not express the views or opinions of our employers. This is where the SMB Login Check Scanner can be very useful, as it will connect to a range of hosts and determine if the username/password combination can access the target. List share drives, drive permissions, share contents, upload/download functionality, file name auto-download pattern matching, and even execute remote commands. SMBMap allows users to enumerate samba share drives across an entire domain. So, I compiled a list of potential passwords using cewl, targeting the /papercut/logs/html/ directory … Ubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd. D 0 Thu Feb 28 07:04:46 2019 .. DR 0 Sun May 20 15:36:12 2012 orbit-makis DR 0 Thu Feb 28 06:25:32 2019 .ICE-unix DH 0 Wed Feb 27 10:02:35 2019 .X11-unix DH 0 Wed Feb 27 10:03:00 2019 gconfd-makis DR 0 Thu Feb 28 06:25:32 2019 .X0-lock HR 11 Wed Feb 27 … In the example below, we are using the smbclient tool to list the shares available on the remote host. tested with the kali 2018 pwk image and just working fine as expected. The smbclient application is located in the /usr/bin directory. 2 Enter WORKGROUP\kali password: 3. You will get the smbclient prompt: Server time is Sat Aug 10 15:58:44 1996 Timezone is UTC+10.0 Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Windows NT 3.51] Server=[NT LAN Manager 3.51] smb: \> Type 'h' to get help using smbclient: smb: \> h ls dir lcd cd pwd get mget put mput rename more mask del … By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Word order in Virgil's Aeneid - why so scrambled? After specifying all the options, Hit Enter.,, The current smbclient version installed on Backtrack version 5 release 3 is smbclient version 3.4.7. If you want to grant the anonymous user write access, add the -w flag as well. Post Exploitation. Any data written to such a named pipe is sent to the remote process, and conversely any output data written by the remote process can be read by a local application from the pipe. [Update 2018-12-02] I just learned about smbmap, which is just great. Ask Question Asked 8 years ago. nmap -v -p 139,445 - … The current smbclient version installed on Backtrack version 5 release 3 is smbclient version 3.4.7. root@localhost:~# smbclient \\\\\\MDMLOAD. smbclient -L // -Uuser_name or it can be executed as the following pattern : smbclient -L // -U user_name Description : smbclient : it is an ftp-like client to access SMB/CIFS resources on servers -L : it is an additional parameter for the smbclient tool command which is used to list (-L : --list) and allows the user typed the command to look … 4946059 blocks available. 7 pics Disk My SMB Share Directory for Pics. Kali Linux is the new generation of the industry-leading BackTrack Linux penetration testing and security auditing Linux distribution. Using NMAP. Could you check which security option is given in your smb.conf.By default security = user option will be enabled under Standalone Server option.User level of security asks for username/passwd in windows while if you keep the security = share it wont ask for credentials or can access share without password. smb: \> dir. Kerberos works with the concept of tickets which are encrypted and can help reduce the amount of times passwords need to be sent over the network. … People recluded in a penal reservation, who believe they are on Mars but they are actually on alien-invaded Earth. Further enumeration shows us that there are several user directories available, which should be noted. FTP users may authenticate themselves with a clear-text sign-in protocol, normally in the form of a username and password, but can connect anonymously if the server is configured to allow it. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. The below smbclient examples show some of the many uses of smbclient including remote SMB/CIFS share information, interaction with SMB/CIFS shares via login to remote server, and file transfers … /usr/bin/smbclient -L host or if smbclient is already in your path like in Kali Linux, smbclient -L host. Post Exploitation. Further enumeration shows us that there are several user directories available, which should be noted. Attacker m/c → (kali linux) kindly note that all task has bene performed inside attacker m/c Use SMB client and check for anonymous access The smbclient is a client program that is part of the Samba suite which acts like a FTP program. To move into the vulnerability checking section of the blog post, Kali linux comes with a SMB client program included with the distribution. Arguably the most useful information one could extract in this manner is user and group listings, which can be used in brute force attacks. smb: \> ls . Three common shares on Windows machines are the C$, Admin$, and IPC$. I quickly determined by using the “man” page that rpcclient could indeed perform an anonymous bind as follows: ... the tester attempts to perform a login for every user in the list. 1 root@ubuntu:~# smbclient -L // Identify the SMB/OS version. root@kali:/home# smbclient -L \\\ > WARNING: The "syslog" option is deprecated. smbserver; smbclient; Introduction to SMB Protocol. Samba is an important component to seamlessly integrate Linux/Unix Servers and Desktops into Active Directory environments. I realise this is an old thread but it helped me to solve the issue of creating and sharing a folder with no login required. root@kali# smbclient -N // Anonymous login successful Try "help" to get a list of possible commands. Specifically, IPC$ exposes named pipes, that one can write to or read from to communicate with remote processes. Kerberos works with the concept of tickets which are encrypted and can help reduce the amount of times passwords need to be sent over the network. Setting up an anonymous public Samba Share to be accessed via Windows 7 and XBMC. This will return a list of service names - that is, names of drives or printers that it can share with you. ssh –R 3306:localhost:3306 root@kali_ip ssh –R 3306:localhost:3306 -o "UserKnownHostFile=/dev/null" -o "UserHostKeyChecking=no" root@kali_ip Connect to the the tunneled port: #Verify with nc nc -vvv localhost 3306 #If mysql mysql -u username -p -h -P 3306 With no arguments it runs on port 2121 and accepts anonymous authentication. Final note, most Linux distributions also now include the useful smbfs package, which allows one to mount and umount SMB shares. The example below uses a Metasploit module to provide access to the root filesystem using an anonymous connection and a writeable share. Two cybersecurity professionals trying to get better at all things security. smbclient // We fou n d file attention.txt, download it using command get attention.txt ***It gives a hint that users … Enumerating SMB and RPC for Pentesting (Ports 445, 139) Posted on June 17, 2020 December 15, 2020 by Harley in Enumeration Cheatsheets. What happens if I am flying at a higher Lift/Drag ratio than required? Now, when I try anonymous access via rpcclient or smbclient to the IPC$ from my Kali machine (which is not part of the domain), I get a successful login. Kerberos is an authentication protocol that can provide secure network login or SSO for various services over a non-secure network. The smbclient is a client program that is part of the Samba suite which acts like a FTP program. The technique is very effective given that you deliberately limit the list of passwords to try to a small number. Where host is the name of the machine that you wish to view. Plenty of other threads out there but they are misleading. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. If the provided credentials are valid or the SMB share supports anonymous connections you will get the smbclient prompt like the following: At this point you have a terminal that is FTP-like, and  can use the help option to get the different commands while using smbclient: As well you can use typical FTP-like commands such as ls and cd to interact with the remote share. $ sudo smbclient // -U aloft Password: Domain=[LOCALHOST] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.23c-2] smb: \> How to list SMB Share . The screenshot below shows movement through the remote share C$ to the Program Files (x86) where I had placed the passwords.txt file. The technique is very effective given that you deliberately limit the list of passwords to try to a small number. Compiled for Win- # proxychains smbclient -m smb3 > search eternalblue Use exploit: … smb: \> dir. Ask Ubuntu works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. Edit parts of the remote computer’s registry. — This would allow us to place our own files on the remote host; FTP Banner and Anonymous Login. Viewed 23k times 1. This first post is a quick braindump of different techniques from Kali. It is written in Perl and is basically a wrapper around the Samba tools smbclient, rpclient, net and nmblookup.
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