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ESI: See Early Supplier Involvement (ESI). Base Currency: The currency whose value is "one" whenever a quote is made between two currencies. Five years ago, as negotiations for the Paris climate agreement ran into overtime, a worldwide urgency was felt for reaching an accord. There have been reports of blocked roads, with internet and communication lines being cut off in Ethiopia. Synchronization: The concept that all supply chain functions are integrated and interact in real time; when changes are made to one area, the effect is automatically reflected throughout the supply chain. The dam can consist of glacier ice or a terminal moraine. Often includes electronic commerce with suppliers. Container traffic is also predominant along the Western DFC route, arriving mainly from the Jawaharlal Nehru Port (JNPT). Transaction: A single completed transmission, e.g., transmission of an invoice over an EDI network. Materials Planning: The materials management function that attempts to coordinate materials supply with materials demand. China’s new DFCs have been designed with the objective to link hinterland areas with ports, along with the aim to transfer commodities, raw materials, and other critical resources of production to-and-fro from the northern to the southern region. If the government cannot cope up with excess production of just wheat and rice in any meaningful way, think of how it will handle 23 commodities under MSP. The US prefers its partners to pay for and manage their own security, but collaborate in all possible ways — weapons sale, sharing civil and military arsenals, diplomatic support, intelligence sharing etc. Tractor: The tractor is the driver compartment and engine of the truck. Since 2017, India has opened embassies in Djibouti and Eritrea and our President has also made a state visit to Djibouti and Ethiopia. Ultimately, your product may pass through the Indirect/Distributor Channel and arrive at a retail outlet. Distribution Center (DC): The warehouse facility which holds inventory from manufacturing pending distribution to the appropriate stores. The Agreement works on a 5- year cycle of increasingly ambitious climate action carried out by countries. Satellite images do not show a glacial lake near the region, but there’s a possibility there may be a water pocket in the region. ABC Classification: Classification of a group of items in decreasing order of annual dollar volume or other criteria. It is an issue & situation-based, and not ideological. Individuals and groups choose terrorism as a tactic because it can: Somewhere in the roots of domestic terrorism, socio-cultural deprivation remains the prime mover. Design for Manufacture/Assembly (DFMA): A product design methodology that provides a quantitative evaluation of product designs. The freight may be moved intact inside the trailer, or it may be interchanged and rehandled to connecting carriers. Backorder: (1) The act of retaining a quantity to ship against an order when other order lines have already been shipped. This was amended in 1987. 1. Synonym: Physical Distribution. Addiction generally begins with alcohol, moves towards nicotine and cannabis – considered as gateways to hard drugs – and then hard substances. But these restrictions relate to “trade”. Unlike most advanced countries and emerging market economies, India’s response to address the distress of the masses has been meagre. In manufacturing, kaizen relates to finding and eliminating waste in machinery, labor, or production methods. In 2017, China opened its first overseas military base in the region at Djibouti and is now firmly consolidating itself as a major player in regional affairs. XML: *See Extensible Markup Language (XML). This will be in addition to the National Health Mission. Repo rate and Reverse Repo rate reduced to 4.4% and 4% respectively on March 27 in an effort to boost liquidity into the system. Agglomeration: A net advantage a company gains by sharing a common location with other companies. Under the Act, it is illicit for a person to produce or manufacture/cultivate, possess, sell, purchase, transport, store, and/or consume any narcotic drug or psychotropic substance. Regulation of the first sale of agricultural produce is a “marketing” responsibility of the states, not the Centre. will be available at the right time and place to meet logistics and supply chain needs. India needs investments, technology, a manufacturing ecosystem to employ millions of its young population and improve its living standards. Does NOT include customer invoicing/accounting costs (See Order Management Costs). Incoming Inspection: All costs associated with the inspection and testing of received materials to verify compliance with specifications. This often leads to paranoia towards a religion leading to communal tensions. Climate proofing the infrastructure such as by applying road stabilization technologies for fragile road networks and strengthening existing structures like bridges, culverts and tunnels. Cash Against Documents (CAD): A method of payment for goods in which documents transferring title are given to the buyer upon payment of cash to an intermediary acting for the seller. Expediting: (1) Moving shipments through regular channels at an accelerated rate. Chock: A wedge, usually made of hard rubber or steel, that is firmly placed under the wheel of a trailer, truck, or boxcar to stop it from rolling. Accelerated Commercial Release Operations Support System (ACROSS): Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS): American National Standards Institute (ANSI): International Standards Organization (ISO). Police authorities could proceed autonomously, literally on the whim of their political masters. Local Service Carriers: A classification of air carriers that operate between less-populated areas and major population centers. It's what creates the "winner takes all" quality of most B2B hubs. India thus enjoyed the best of both worlds: limiting China’s opposition toward itself while having its rival constrained by American hostility. This change can result from a revised quantity, date, or specification by the customer; an engineering change; a change in inventory requirement data; etc. * Delivered on time to customer's request date, using the customer's definition of on-time delivery Success stories motivate talented youth to start their own ventures and help them to become a job provider instead of a job seeker. Therefore, it is imperative for the government to recognize the menace of hate speech and ensure that there is proper regulation in place to tackle the issue. For example: commodity codes, carrier codes. Using drugs may be an attempt to lessen these feelings of distress. Import: Movement of products from one country into another. There are cases of being allegedly lured and honey-trapped by men and those girls now seeking their help to free themselves. Nor do the words “coal”, “oil” or “gas”. 1) In just in time, any activity that does not add value to the good or service in the eyes of the consumer. Multiple scientific groups and institutions are involved. FTZ: See Foreign Trade Zone and Free Trade Zone. Customer/Order Fulfillment Process: A series of customers' interactions with an organization through the order-filling process, including product/service design, production and delivery, and order stats reporting. A gas pipeline project will be taken up in Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir. Bonded Warehouse: Warehouse approved by the Treasury Department and under bond/guarantee for observance of revenue laws. India was part of the voting majority. Diversion: The process of changing the destination and/or the consignee while the shipment is enroute. Ergonomic: The science of creating workspaces and products which are human friendly to use. (2) In project management, an element of work on a project. India’s population touched 1.38 billion in 2020 —17.7 per cent of the world’s population — according to global population data. Quality: Conformance to requirements or fitness for use. This placed India again in a situation where on one hand the country had to remain consistent on the principles of NAM while on the other hand to act in a context with fewer choices. What is important is to see how increasingly optimistic traffic projections will be realized. (1) In activity-based cost accounting, a task or activity, performed by or at a resource, required in producing the organization's output of goods and services. Return on Assets (ROA): Financial measure calculated by dividing profit by assets. Also see: Duty. RF systems use either narrow-band or spread-spectrum transmissions. Turnover: ATA: Actual time of arrival, or also known as the American Trucking Associations. It's the page that's retrieved and displayed by default when a user visits a web site. Sample results shown. Its performance was relatively poor when it came to following the required vaccine arrival procedures and using the MIS system for estimating demand of vaccine, syringe, etc. Certificated Carrier: A for-hire air carrier that is subject to economic regulation and requires an operating certification to provide service. A core competency could be the capability of a firm to coordinate and harmonize diverse production skills and multiple technologies. NAM was thus similar to neutrality in a sense of not taking sides, but with the difference that if their decisions and actions coincide with one of the fighting blocs, it is their own preference, their own worldview, not supporting the bloc who has similar standings. It is "open" because the goods that are shipped are also detailed at that time. It can include elimination of compounds that are hazardous to the environment. There is indiscriminate construction activity and the subsequent ecological destruction in the Himalayan region in the name of urbanization and tourism development. For example, the number of quality faults by frequency of occurrence. Some adolescents suffer from depression, social anxiety, stress-related disorders, and physical pain. Hi-Low: Usually refers to a forklift truck on which the operator must stand rather than sit. For every dollar spent, customers can earn one point. Scientists can find a way to let the lake waters slowly drain at the nearby river at a regulated rate so that there is no flooding, and the pressure on the lake does not become unbearable. Inland Bill of Lading: The carriage contract used in transport from a shipping point overland to the exporter's international carrier location. Ocean Carrier: An enterprise that offers service via ocean (water) transport. Return on Sales: Financial measure calculated by dividing profit by sales. Tare Weight: The weight of a substance obtained by deducting the weight of the empty container from the gross weight of the full container. Studies show that drug abuse leads to poverty and family breakdown. Two approaches to aggregate planning exist - production planning and sales and operations planning. Public Warehouse receipt: The basic document a public warehouse manager issues as a receipt for the goods a company gives to the warehouse manager. Intrastate Commerce: The transportation of persons or property between points within a state. B2C web sites are one-way networks. Your company may ship to the customer, or a third party may handle shipment, but in either case, your company owns the sales contract and retains rights to the receivable from the customer. We also have a team of customer support agents to deal with every difficulty that you may face when working with us or placing an order on our website. Oftentimes, blanket orders cover only one item with predetermined delivery dates. Algorithm: a clearly specified mathematical process for computation; a set of rules, which, if followed, produce a prescribed result. ITE is a more precise term, connoting many-to-many transactions, whereas the others do not specify the transactions. For make-to-order products, more than 20% of the value added takes place after the receipt of the order or release, and all necessary design and process documentation is available at the time of order receipt. Synonym: Cash Conversion Cycle. Supply Chain Inventory Visibility: Software applications that permit monitoring events across a supply chain. Commodity Code: A code describing a commodity or a group of commodities pertaining to goods classification. This is because the problem has been caused by the emissions of the rich countries for several centuries but will primarily impact the poorest people and poorest countries. Container: (1) A box, typically 10 to 40 feet long, which is primarily used for ocean freight shipments. To strengthen nutritional content, delivery, outreach, and outcome, Government will merge the Supplementary Nutrition Programme and the Poshan Abhiyan and launch the Mission Poshan 2.0. Clubbing with the ASEAN has always been a principal policy priority for India’s Act East Policy. Unlike a UPC number, which only provides information specific to a group of products, the GTIN gives each product its own specific identifying number, giving greater accuracy in tracking. Since 1994, Ethiopia has had a federal system in which different ethnic groups control the affairs of 10 regions. Our External Affairs Minister has inferred that the mantra of an open and globalised economy was used to justify unfair trade and production practices against India. Order information in this channel may be transmitted by electronic means. Get the big players in the fold first, offering equity if necessary. Competitive Benchmarking: Benchmarking a product or service against competitors. In some way, the relations can be described as expectations without expectations. Injection drug use is the leading risk factor for new human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections. A disproportional share in government procurement at MSP plays an important role in this. Customer Invoicing/Accounting: This includes costs associated with invoicing, processing customer payments, and verification of customer receipt. This intense engagement has helped achieve robust support from the US against terrorism. Civil Aeronautics Board: A federal regulatory agency that implemented economic regulatory controls over air carriers. Logistics Channel: The network of supply chain participants engaged in storage, handling, transfer, transportation, and communications functions that contribute to the efficient flow of goods. Upsell: The practice of attempting to sell a higher-value product to the customer. When demand in an economy stays weak for long, businesses stop investing in new projects, unemployment rises, income shrinks and consumer confidence wanes. Bracketed Recall: Recall from customers of suspect lot numbers, plus a specified number of lots produced before and after the suspect ones. Examples are the costs of information systems, process engineering, and purchasing. 20 lakh crore packages for farmers, cottage industry, MSMEs, labourers, middle class etc., titled the Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan in various tranches. Returns Inventory Costs: The costs associated with managing inventory returned for any of the following reasons: repair, refurbish, excess, obsolescence, end of life, ecological conformance, and demonstration. Countervailing Duties: An additional import duty imposed to offset Government subsidies in the exporting country, when the subsidized imports cause material injury to domestic industry in the importing country. (1) Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020: (2) Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020: (3) Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act 2020: Farmers in Punjab and Haryana are known for their adamant attitudes. There is no specific legislation in India which deals with social media except The Information Technology Act, 2000. (5) No assurance of market access to India. A mechanism that either prevents a mistake from being made or makes the mistake obvious at a glance. Operating Ratio: A measure of operating efficiency defined as Operating expenses divided by the Operating revenues x 100. Multi-diverse countries like India are the worst hit. Moreover, international voices are also rising on the credibility of the government to address the farmers concerns, which is not a healthy sign. Also known as an order bill of lading. Increasing environmental temperature may cause seasonal betterment in the growth and development of fishes. Routing or Routing Guide: (1) Process of determining how shipment will move between origin and destination. Ubiquity: A raw material that is found at all locations. Moreover APMCs have never assured that farmers get MSPs (which itself has no legal backings). It's also referred to as the finishing schedule because it may involve operations other than just the final assembly; also, it may not involve assembly, but simply final mixing, cutting, packaging, etc. A sudden spike in demand is highly inflationary in nature. The predicted 1-2.5 degrees Celsius temperature rise by 2030 is likely to show serious effects on crop yields. Djibouti is the choke point on this shipping route. Some other URL types are gopher:/, which gives the Internet address of a Gopher directory, and ftp://, which gives the network location of an FTP resource. (4) Worldwide quests for net-zero emissions. Decentralized Authority: A situation in which a company management gives decision-making authority to managers at many organizational levels. The certificate may specify the commodities the carrier may haul, and the routes it may use. She said several measures have been taken to further simplify the GST. ICC: Interstate Commerce Commission (U.S.). Secure Electronic Transaction (SET): In e-commerce, a system of guaranteeing the security of financial transactions conducted over the Internet. Once DFC is operational, the average speed of freight trains will go up from 25 kmph to 70 kmph, reducing the transit time by more than half. The entire provision was struck down by the Supreme Court in the Shreya Singhal judgement. Resource costs are assigned to activities based on their use of those resources, and activity costs are reassigned to cost objects (outpputs) based on the cost objects proportional use of those activities. It can be done using activity-based costing methods or using other approaches, such as allocation based on user counts, transactions counts, or departmental headcounts. The US and China have several strategic military bases in that region, the closest being Djibouti. As usual, India cheers the inevitable strong support by the US on multiple fronts discussed above. Vendor Code: a unique identifier, usually a number and sometimes the company's DUNS number, assigned by a customer for the vendor it buys from. Problems such as criminal activity, alienation, domestic violence, and child abuse or neglect may also be present in families experiencing substance abuse. While this claim has been analysed from several angles, the environmental angle has often been overlooked. Chain of Customers: The sequence of customers who, in turn, consume the output of each other, forming a chain. These areas are typically used to store high-value items and may be monitored by security cameras. Bar Code: A symbol consisting of a series of printed bars representing values. It is emerging as a major economic partner for other Red Sea states like Egypt. 8. Opportunity Cost: The opportunity cost of holding inventory. Warehouse: Storage place for products. [Burning Issue] Dedicated Freight Corridors, [Burning Issue] Ethiopian Crisis and the Geopolitics, [Burning Issue] Five Years of Paris Agreement, [Burning Issue] COVID-19 Vaccination Challenges,,, Minimum Support Prices for Agricultural Produce, Farmers’ protest a big challenge for Modi. PLAN But their potential to cause destruction can certainly be minimized. It is a matter of distributive justice. EDIA: See Electronic Data Interchange Association (EDIA).
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