By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Unsuitable for kids/minors. 1) Make a shared album and add a photo to it. 3 years ago. Example: save. Postimage also gives you a deletion link, which allows you to delete an image from the server. FunkyIMG is another Imgur alternative that you can quickly use to create shareable links and image types. This thread is archived. level 1. 3 years ago. Here's their post about it: Upload image and get direct link on imgur. “Hidden” means people need a direct link to view it. Use the .gifv ending instead! Example:, Get the image ID. When you're sharing to Imgur, we want you to feel confident that the right people are seeing your posts. When you upload a post to Imgur, you have two post privacy options: Hidden and Public. If you want to share a specific image or GIF within a post on Imgur, simply long press on that image and a similar menu will appear when tapping "Share Direct Link." It is possible to upload the image from the local drive to the and get back the direct link … Even if it's a gif and not a gifv, or even a jpg, that's alright, imgur will sort that out. Is there still a way to do this, or do I need to guess the file type and enter .png manually? But may contain content wich is … Learn more about image processing Accepted Answer . Drag and drop or paste images here to upload. Imgur is now about ~*community*~ not image hosting! A menu will appear giving you plenty of options to share it, including within Imgur to a fellow Imgurian via Imgur Chat! I cleared my cache and now it does the new stuff. Good image hosting website. Follow 8 views (last 30 days) Chan on 24 Apr 2014. Signalez les copies non autorisées de votre script. I don't think it's possible with a userscript alone, so I have my doubts it'd work on a phone. A place for people to watch sharp edges cut things. Ever want to view an Imgur user's albums but forgot the url to get to their albums? Now it's scripts. You should see an
tag with a URL. Created Nov 9, 2018. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I would like to use the direct link received for doing reverse image search by google 0 Comments. All gists Back to GitHub Sign in Sign up Sign in Sign up {{ message }} Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. 2. Please visit our privacy policy for a full rundown on privacy settings. Imgur direct link userscript. We really do believe, however, this is the right move for us and Imgur users. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. They kept getting a 404, but a non-direct link worked, probably in preparation of this. Delete Image from Account: the image will be removed from the post and also deleted from your Imgur account and Imgur. Sign in to answer this question. – incandescentman Jan 15 '16 at 20:30 submit direct links to images or imgur albums only.. A collection of the top 31 nasa phone wallpapers and backgrounds available for download for free. Link × Direct link … To enjoy this file hosting and sharing service, you don’t need to create an account. Click the URL and it should open the image (depending on how clever imgur are trying to be). Start uploading. Right click on the image, select "inspect element". Jun 15, 2016. The second is a 1.7kb webpage, which has the video player: As you can see, now it's linking to the mp4 video, with the following headers: Notice how the size of the mp4 video is only 1.17mb. What imgur link do I use to embed here? A Python client for the Imgur API. Have fun with your direct linked image. Please fill out the following sections to the best of your ability, it will help us investigate bugs if we have this information at the outset. Lakevren. Signalez les violations en utilisant les liens ci-dessous et Greasy Fork modérateurs examineront votre rapport. If you do not have an Imgur account and choose to post photos with creating one, any images you upload will be hidden, although you can share them with others by sending them the direct URL. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, … When I tried to upload directly to this sub, it was auto removed and told me to do a direct link from imgur instead, but right clicking and copying the video address doesnt embed my cinemagraph like everyone else's here. Vote. best. I mean, if you are an image hosting site, the one thing you are expected to do is let a user be able to correctly save an image in one of the two most popular browsers right? 88. Notice how the first one is serving an image/gif with size of 10 megabytes! We know some of you will be unhappy and upset with this move, and that’s never a great thing to hear. Waterfox and Internet Explorer manage to still display images directly. Powered by Chevereto image hosting. fmiudo February 24, 2021, 11:40am #1. sometimes it still shows up on the imgur site, as opposed to as an image directly opened in the browser. 98% Upvoted. Nasa Phone Case Wallpaper - Spacex Wallpapers For Iphone / Can someone turn this into a wallpaper?, anyone have something similar to this?) You can also browse from your computer or add image URLs. Like as an answer from Rinus, the link obtained by "Copy image URL" in the right-click menu after preview (= expand one image) will be invalid after a while. sometimes it still shows up on the imgur site, as opposed to as an image directly opened in the browser. How to direct link to imgur (i.e. 2) Create a shared link of it. There aren't any ads on this page either. That case, you cannot get a fixed direct link in any way while logged in. Embed … This is the random string of letters. Official Imgur site for direct links to images. “Secret” means only you can see it, regardless of whether someone else has a direct link. Get the best deals on mobile phone cases, covers & skins. So, need some steps as follow. What a shitshow. • phone case … Here's the difference (trimmed some extraneous details). Get your gif. Mar 18, 2016. android-app. Upload image and get direct link on imgur. BUT! This is really annoying since it limits how far you can zoom for instance. 1) Get direct link of Twitter, Tumblr or Instagram videos/images with shorten url (bitly). PLEASE, do not use the .gif ending. Helpful. There’s direct link, hotlinks, thumbnail sharing and more. Instead, you will have to host your image outside of reddit, and then add the image link to your comment or text posts at reddit. It can be used to interact with the Imgur API in your projects. There are a shitload of tracking beacons though! I don't see a way anymore to get Imgur to automatically display the direct link, like in the image above. – Spencer Hecht Jun 29 '17 at 7:21 Then copy the direct link to the gif from the address bar. I typed the direct link in both Firefox and Chrome and it takes me to the PNG image alone. If that doesn't work on the mobile website for whatever reason, then open the settings in your browser and force the desktop version of imgur to load, then try again. 3) Save videos/images on your device. Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Try clicking the link in any URL on Twitter. Remove from this Post: the image will no longer appear on this post but will still be uploaded on Imgur and can be found by its direct link. This extension fixes that issue by adding links to user's albums in a few locations: 1. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Image hosting website. This would explain why I was having difficulty direct linking a picture to someone yesterday. hide. ... EDIT: Looks like if I open the embed links imgur provides, there's a different image ID, which I can then link directly to using this method. Imgur direct links. A place to show screenshots of imgurians who have no earthly idea that Reddit exists, or even just ignorance found in the "comment section" in general! Test your JavaScript, CSS, HTML or CoffeeScript online with JSFiddle code editor. I typed the direct link in both Firefox and Chrome and it takes me to the PNG image alone. EDIT: Looks like if I open the embed links imgur provides, there's a different image ID, which I can then link directly to using this method. Star 0 Fork 0; Star Code Revisions 3. Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Direct image links, BBCode and HTML thumbnails. level 2. So odd. I wouldn't know where to start but i might look into it later. : the gif is the only thing on the page, no ability to scroll to another image) Get your gif. Guess it's time to stop using imgur. It’s understandable why Imgur would use the redirects; direct image links cause them to lose money through bandwidth expense and earn none, while links to normal image pages make it apparent that the image is from Imgur, and the company could get new users from the branding. One thing is Imgur wanting to earn money etc., another is this. Sorry. I figured out how to get around this on my browser, though it's an older one so you may need to find out how do it yourself. Also I think you can right click on the image and open in a new tab. The album links are available in this view, or … New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the sharpcutting community. Imgur, you used to host images. While imgur will serve the image regardless of the extension, you must use .gifv to force the web video. “Public” means people can see it on your Imgur profile. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the IgnorantImgur community. I don't see a way anymore to get Imgur to automatically display the direct link, like in the image above. Helpful. You can name your album here and give it a description. Now you're ready to either get links to share them with the wider world or create a post to be shared on Imgur. Although, you can use any image hosting service, Imgur is Reddit’s Favorite Photo-Hosting Share. May have questionable that is NSFW, but largely safe to browse through otherwise. 52 comments. Phone app doesn't open direct link to external site images (imgur for example) Bug Reports. You must register your client with the Imgur API, and provide the Client-ID to make any request to the API (see the Authentication note). Cliquez sur Computer puis allez choisir choisir votre image, cliquez sur Start Upload et copiez le 2ème lien Direct Link (email & IM) - Pour le poids de ta photo ou image, c'est à toi de le contrôler avant de la télécharger sur Imgur. Direct image links, BBCode and HTML thumbnails. That's all you'd need a script to do, shouldn't be hard to write. Adult content. … So odd. You can add more images from your computer or add image URLs. "Direct" image links now redirect to imgur's custom webpage instead. You can upload as many pictures you want, but each image you upload to the website must not be more than 4 MB. Long press on the image and click open image in new tab. WTH? Imgur direct link userscript. Envoyez facilement vos images sur la plateforme de photos en ligne Imgur sans passer par la version web grâce à MyImgur. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Mar 20, 2016 . Thankfully, Reddit is doing a good job of Netscaping Imgur out of the way. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, … Upload pic . I … It is possible to upload the image from the local drive to the and get back the direct link of the image in matlab .m scipt? Alorel / imgur_direct_link.user.js Forked from nerestaren/imgur_direct_link.user.js. Screenshots are especially helpful, so please provide those if you can. 2. You can also set its visibility settings here. Free Upload Image - The Best site for uploading Image & Other Formats, With direct link in LordUps Free Upload Center - imgur upload And finally, copy the direct URL from the Direct Link … 0 ⋮ Vote. 0. Upload free image hosting, provides you the unsee pic sharing options to upload your picture in photoboard its very easy way to upload tinypic, in pastebroad to share with friends by uploading your image in imgur, picpasteplus, upload image in pic-paste imgbb, PhotoBucket. Replace all Imgur links to direct image links in Reddit. Images no longer work on Opera 12, at all. sheil200. Sign in to comment. To learn more … Plug the image ID into this (except without <>). If you can modify the HTTP headers to remove your User-Agent, it'll give you just the image again. Like in other services, you can either drag&drop, or use the Add Images... Next, click the uploaded image. EN . By linking to the gifv, you're saving 9mb! Edit or resize any image by clicking the image preview. Seems like imgur just officially said goodbye to its "simple image hosting" part. The following article is a quick guide to toggling the privacy of your posts on Imgur. How to get a direct picture URL in Imgur Start with uploading the image you want to host. Example: uXjLgCl. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. It will not appear in your album list but will still be accessable by visiting the direct URL" WHERE IS THE DIRECT URL for a 'HIDDEN' ALBUM ?hey Imgur, also note accessable spelled wrong Imgur. While the feature list is pretty small, Postimage works if you want to upload something quick and without any registration. Uploading 0 image (0 % complete) The queue is being uploaded, it should … Portafino. Is there still a way to do this, or do I need to guess the file type and enter .png manually? Sort by. uploading cinemagraphs has proven to be the hardest part about it in my experience. Disclaimer: I'm on mobile atm so can't test any of what I just said, or put together this "easy script". 0. BUT! Think its possible to make a userscript to stop this? Sometimes I think imgur devs are literally retarded. The main image page has a “follow us on Facebook/Twitter!” button on desktops, or an advertisement on mobile devices. Press J to jump to the feed. If you want to share a specific image or GIF within a post on Imgur, simply long press on that image and a similar menu will appear when tapping "Share Direct Link." I think it also works by setting the Accept header to image/* (remove text/html). Signalez les logiciels malveillants. Download is broken because they thought they were clever using the same url for the image and the "page" link. Report Save. Imgur Gallery - Application Android - Duiker101 - ★★★★☆ - Divertissement Skip to content. A menu will appear giving you plenty of options to share it, including within Imgur to a fellow Imgurian via Imgur Chat! Links: Roadmap (vote for features) Bug tracker Docs Service status; Support JSFiddle and get extra features Groups, Private fiddles, Ad-free & more JSFiddle is for: Demos for docs; Bug reporting (test-case) for Github Issues; Presenting code answers on Stack Overflow; Live code collaboration; Code snippets hosting If you want to perform actions on accounts, the user will have to authorize your application through OAuth2. Full Imgur account support (upload to selected album, create/delete albums, delete all albums pics, favorite last upload etc) Formats supported: Jpg, Bmp, Png, Gif; Context-menu shell extension for right-click on pictures > Send to Imgur (x86/x64) Batch uploads, drop all your pics in the window and they’ll be automatically queued Image Analyst on 24 Apr 2014. If you're an active user of, you would have noticed that the site doesn't store images. Ok thanks for the reply, downloading the source might be the easiest way looking at it now, it seems like the link is always the first i.imgur link in the source. Press J to jump to the feed. Safe site. Answered: Royi Avital on 9 Jan 2021 Accepted Answer: Image Analyst. AMA: long … Helpful. 2) Share direct links with friends without letting them open Instagram/Tumblr/Twitter. As it turns out, when clicking a direct image link for the first time on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, Imgur will redirect you to the main image page instead. Platform (Android, iOS, … Vote. Takes any imgur url and returns direct urls to images within the link - tadast/imgur_direct report. Q: What happens if a user deleted his Video/Image or Profile? – incandescentman Jan 15 '16 at 20:30 Show Hide all comments. share. And get this, the image cannot be saved in firefox. Has imgur introduced a new "feature" that didn't make it worse in the last few years? 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