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Be Nice. 31 If conspiracy theory’s were all fake why In terms of Section 230, it should stay where it is. Digital currency is coming in the form of cryptocurrency. I have chills go through me knowing that this can t possibly be just happenchance….Take care. S D – Agree for the most part … The Swamp is NEVER, NOT EVER, NOT UNDER ANY CONDITION, ever going to prosecute a Democrat (period; end of statement!) ‘Nodding woman’ who went viral at Trump’s town hall joins ‘Hannity’ exclusively If Trump looses … it will be because he kept company with shadows while telling us he was fighting them!! Then consider who were those who had the foresight to construct these anti-Government institutions/religions…..designed to achieve a NWO Communist/Fascist dream. The chances of Barr being fired with a Trump victory are pretty strong.”, Shipp, who wrote “From the Company of Shadows” in 2012, detailed a firsthand account about how the Shadow Government works for evil. The reason Demon-rats love Trader Joe is because that’s where people go to get good deals … free money … free love … the right to kill babies … the right to rape children … insanely perverted morality is the “commie way” … and these psychopathic Demon-rat “commies” will sell out America to the “Chinese commies” for a fiat buck … in Biden’s case his Crime Family wanted $10 million fiat bucks guaranteed to them every year (to turn Traitor on America) … these warp minded Demons are never going to give up a good thing until we grab them by the neck and flush them down the toilet … that means we must elect Trump … a Republican House … and a Republican Senate … then after the Democratic Crime Families are wash out … we can focus on the Republican Crime Families in 2024 … one step at a time … and we can get them all!! It truly is a good thing that I trust God as much as I do. Congrats, quid pro qou Joe, president of the United States of America? That the republican party is over. Kinda a big deal that will effect every American alive …. I’m voting for the Electoral College & the Republic in which we live. “The man of peace” who will deceive the nations. High around 70F. I warned of this in another post recently. An so is DHS. Our first amendment rights are being trampled under the deep states feet, and what do we get from congress and this president? Freebreezer, SO right you are! Mr Bannon told Ms Markson, “Hunter Biden’s lawyer has come to us both with phone calls and with emails saying, ‘hey, I’ve got to get the hard drive back’.” offer right and just sacrifice; trust [lean on and be confident] in the lord. That’s the big scandal. In one message sent by Vadym Pozharsky in April 2015, he wrote: “Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent (sic) some time together. To join Shipp’s Patreon channel and get the Shipp ... said the emissions reductions from the pandemic were “quite modest,” despite the drastic drop in air travel and car travel. . When we start at each other again…. It is their world to conquer and each one wants to be King or Queen (Dominate). It’s a tawdry story revealing these people were mere thugs. Sorry stan it’s all I have of value unless you want my Bible. Somehow the Navajo seem to be susceptible to virus. When our hand in life is called, will we STAND or FOLD? Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, Tim Williams 1 month ago 4 For example, if Barr cracked down hard on the rioters the media will have a field day with it. Your guests from various backgrounds provide valuable insights to what is really happening in the USA. Greg, I believe this will see the light of day! You Know with all the “Pseudo Racism” being Accused of people today in 2020…this O’l Movie strikes Home & is Relevant!…even Today! a poisonous cobra, Deut 32:35 Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved," the Chiefs said in a statement. by Jim Hoft on October 18, 2020 at 3:40 am Yes there is JC….something very fishy. … Especially someone so close too the big o. The same FBI that said Marc Rich was murdered in a random robbery that did not result in his wallet or valuables being stolen. That’s not what I’ve heard. Integrity can only be recognized by a moral people and Catherine Fitts answers her own question. He heard my voice from His temple, I had seen several adverse reactions pulling duty at the TMC on Smoke Bomb Hill. Trump has had the power release documents, but he didn’t until this last week. Bill Gates and MIT Unveil Quantum Dots to Mark Children, Count on it. YOU DIDN’T ASK HIM AGAIN- MY CIA FRIEND I see only additional upside potential. Inauguration Day is Jan. 20.’, Urban Legend. Something our wonderful media failed to mention at, the end of last month…. Forget about Q. Nicole Bowden 4 hours ago Now. .If you like the idea, ask everybody that listens to your interviews to social media everybody they know, Biden/Trump supporters and ask them to think of this when they’re standing in the voting booth. You might want to watch the hearing video I posted. In fact, Bolshevism has resulted in great suffering of the people, and it is feared by many of the other nations and governments of the earth., Ingraham: Pre-election intimidation squads are hard at work Greg, . The same FBI that supported the Mueller sham investigation that should have ended the first week as the FBI knew it was a Hillary/Obama smear campaign concocted to impeach an incoming President. Ease up on Jerry please Stan. Adam Schitt is in charge. “And I saw a new heaven [invisible ruling power] and a new earth [new order of things on the earth]: for the first heaven and the first earth [the old order] were passed away; and there was no more sea [restless, anarchistic humanity]. Breaking down the speakers that will appear before the democrats. If the Internet goes down we know who did it and they ARE the ENEMY! Great interview! If anyone asks what they can do to help GO VOTE !!! As a Hispanic I’m Very proud of her. Be angry [or stand in awe] and sin not; commune with your heart on your bed and be silent [sorry for the things you say in your own heart]. You will not fine a 12 person jury in Washington who will convict a liberal. What are the odds that she would pass at this moment in time. Social media is as corrupt as any cable and print outlet and nobody will touch them because they are playing both sides against the middle. Don’t ask me how I really feel please this is a family forum….. Good insight NYP. Also, we had a WO2 Lawrence McKay in the 2nd Flight. He’s hillarys twin!! The Big Question: What is Barr’s motive? . They can protest but the first rock that is thrown they all go to jail! You’re always on my ass and you’re full of bovine fecal matter. The 5-year-old suffered life-threatening injuries and the 4-year-old did not, per the report. As they say scratch my back and I will scratch yours. Jesus did not trust any man for He knew what was in man (John 2:23-25). Ray, now you did it. Trouble on the horizon. ‘Judge’ Judy, Judith Shenlien (dual citizen Isreal) showed her ‘hand’ by backing her like man mikey bloomberg. Mr. Carney was an ABC foreign correspondent in Beijing when he reported on China’s imprisonment of up to a million Chinese Muslims in the Xinjiang province. Wow, doesn’t this just make you want to go out and join the anti-fascist Antifa and start acting like a George Sore ASS national socialist Nazi and start punching out anybody I don’t think, I don’t like? Dirty voting rolls can mean dirty elections.” I mean the 60 million who voted Trump in 2016 need to go vote again, but this time take one of the 80 million who didn’t vote with them. And cried out to my God; But I wonder why Trump has not chosen someone who he fully trusts, like Chris Christie or Joe DiGenova, both who have said publicly that they would take the job if offered? If you click on “unveil quantum dot” it links you to the original article. Reply to Dave (Seattle dude) . Back in 1973, even though Epstein had not obtained a college degree, Donald brought Epstein, who was only 20 years old, and had dropped out of both Cooper Union and New York University’s Courant Institute, was brought board to teach calculus and physics.” Going against my own Sabbath to post right now 1/2 hr early, but there is no time left….If a Thumb print was required onEVERY ballot cast then and ONLY then would Americans know if the ‘vote’ cast was trully LEGAL! They have a higher number of autoimmune disease cases in men in particular. remove your detestable idols from my presence, Their grapes are poisonous, A new bill has been introduced in the Australian federal parliament that gives civil and criminal immunity to foreign military forces and police operating in Australia during an emergency which is obviously this hyped COVID-19 and could even be bushfires. 30 Joe Biden is nothing but an ‘empty suit for the radical left’ . Financiers are fearful of losing their holdings. In terms of the argument about in-kind contributions, anything a candidate does for his own campaign is an in-kind contribution. Cover Letter for Jobs Friends finalize your preparations time is short. Deadline. You brought back a memory of a 1960’s film with Connie Stevens and Cesar Romero, titled “Two On A Guillotine.”, Nice JC!!! You are so right. Leslie Stahl is a deep state propagandist. Here They Is; Cause they want you all locked up. They could care less. Ben Franklin Even over Fox and every American news source. She was hindered by that beast of a bully former govr christie a pig without lipstick! That’s four years that he might spend as our president. The only credibility that I carry rests with my job skills and not my worldview. So who is lying? This is part of the reason why they are seeing all these Democraps in Trump rallies loving our duly elected and beloved President. When I was the BN surgeon in 1/7th SFGA in the late 90’s I used to annotate dude’s records with an allergy alert so they would not be forced to get anthrax. I have heard hints of this over the last few years from certain senators. If the Democrats replace creepy joe Biden with Barack Obama due to the Hunter Biden laptop revelations ….your Nostradamus prediction Of Obama returning would be in play. Oh, and since you are using the word “true”, haven’t you got a bridge to jump off mate? If I was a defense lawyer, I would trot out each and every unlawful and corrupt example to the jury to undermine there evidence. If ever I have the honour of meeting you Jerry, after all this is over, I hope I can buy you a thousand beers and enjoy the privilege of your deep intellect during conversation. fbi has laptop–did nothing. 2. MARTIN ARMSTRONG: Every soul died, from God’s standpoint. You will see how Giuliani was involved. I never got the flu. The New York Post’s Opinion Editor Sohrab Ahmari says the New York Post has been “completely transparent about the provenance” of the Biden scandal story, explaining how they came about the damning information. Also sent them an email through their website. Catherine Austin Fitts just recently had a very insightful round table discussion of the Q PsyOp with Joseph P. Farrell and “Q expert” Bernard Grover. Can Go A Long Way, Jose! Isn’t there a better video resource to use? This has been nothing more than a massive psyop–putting on the full amour of God. Sanjeev Miglani and Devjyot Ghoshal You’re going to need it. As I posted below. Ask Hillary’s Mike Morell to pray for you. …and it has an R 0 of infinity. One caveat, he warns everyone to be very careful on Nov 3rd. MIKE ADAMS: We had a caretaker who tested positive but they don’t live in the bldg. They are all part of the same family and abide by the rules: family members are permitted to fight each other for power and money, but not permitted to undermine the true power structures. I worked for free on her campaign, and would do so again. Either he is plain ignorant, or he is just another Deep State hypocrite (Greek word for actor). Does this sound plausible to you? Not only does the FBI have to come clean about Hunter Biden’s laptop, consider that some U.S. and NATO Generals and Admirals will have to come clean if Osama Bin Laden is still alive. Shipp or the AP? … imagine what the world would think of us if we “knowingly” elected a Treasonous Commie Child Raping Crime Family to run the United States of America!!! PERIOD!!! “Break up your unplowed ground, Why is Shipp saying otherwise? On Saturday black Trump supporter Philip Anderson attended a rally for free speech in San Francisco. They are immune and with a totally corrupt media on their side they will undoubtedly lower the bar to depths we have not seen yet. Go to Amazon books mention operation and the tool. Its called plausable deniability and its what crooks do. Am thinking of picking the phone…, stuff it…..walking straight into the office of my local federal government member, Andrew Leigh (Australian Labor Party {Democratic Party, US Equiv}) and hitting him with it right on the spot……video camera rolling., Trump shows video at rally of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris A man was killed after being hit by a car Thursday night on the corner of South Oak and Carter Streets in Vidalia. The full on totalitarian state. ReutersThu, 22 October 2020, 7:29 pm AEDT, Trump’s security adviser says: China is the threat of the century i assume rudy has the state dept official on record as rudy has stated it publicly and knows the man. What the he’ll is going on?, ‘WAR DRUMS SOUNDING The Illusion has become reality. The Truth is the Truth at any time and must be dealt with. The gold price has been trading sideways for weeks now, but I expect this to change as more government stimulus is rolled out and even more money is printed. Do other states use it? I would expect that the alt-media sites would come under fire in the not too distant future. Called the GOP HQ in DC and reached the legal office. On the other side of the coin, Barr knows what has happened to those who are in a position to take this whole shadow government down, the power they have to take real threats to their cabal OUT …..Epstein! … Yes, there is something very fishy about this whole Covid-19 thing. There is free constantly updated information and analysis on It wouldnt be good for business for either party–too much corruption on both sides of the aisle. All the while enriching themselves after destroying the middle class in America! Bush was President and Rumsfeld Secretary of Defense…and that didn’t stop them from being involved. The rioting, looting and violence that’s taken place could have been stopped in 24 hours, but it wasn’t. They had to be told do nothing but seem sincere. . 75 years in the making while most of Americans ‘went about their daily lives’…..Kind’a prophetic if you ask me…..Ignore GOD’s Commandments and reap what you have sown! And you know … it’s not so much we have to show the humans of the world we are moral … we have to show those in Heaven we are moral human beings … otherwise we give power to the Deep State in Heaven (Satan, Enlil, etc., etc.) Chiefs assistant coach Britt Reid involved in car accident in KC, School sports bills draw backlash from Georgia transgender advocates, Senate passes stricter voter ID rules for absentee ballots, Stricter absentee voter ID rules advance to Georgia Senate, Absentee-voting restriction bills in Georgia advance in state Senate, Atlanta prosecutor investigating Trump call to influence 2020 election, AROUND TOWN: Lawmaker accuses Cupid of ethics violation, From an ebb to flowing: River District plans show signs of actualization, From the Maestro's Desk 'Hidden Gems' is more than just music, Valdosta man pleads guilty to producing child porn, Bigger than life legacy of the late Lt. General.
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